Kenneth Ortiz, Brian Taylor, and Mayor Helmin J. Caba
NBA SPORTS LEGEND AND LOCAL HERO GIVES BACK TO COMMUNITYby hosting basketball camp for Perth Amboy youth
WHAT: On Saturday, July 30th, and Sunday, July 31st, the City of Perth Amboy's Office of Recreation, with Perth Amboy High School Alumni Brian Taylor, along with NBA former teammates, and special guests, will be hosting a basketball camp at the Brian Taylor Basketball Courts located at Washington Park, in the City of Perth Amboy. The camp will begin at 9:00 am for youth ages 8 and up, focusing on skills development and game strategies to help with mental aspects on and off the courts.
WHERE: Washington Park, 660 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. Street parking is available.
* Mayor Helmin J. Caba, City of Perth Amboy
* Kenneth Ortiz, Superintendent of Recreation, City of Perth Amboy
* Brian Taylor, former NBA and ABA professional basketball player
* Brendyn Taylor - Coaching Staff, 2022-23 St. John's University Men's Basketball
* Heather Hall, Senior of Community Relations for Brooklyn Nets
* Princeton University Basketball Alumni
* Perth Amboy Panthers Basketball Alumni
* Anticipated former teammates from the NBA and ABA
* Saturday, July 30th, 2022, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
* Sunday, July 31st, 2022, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
* Arrivals: 8:00AM
* Basketball Camp for ages 8 to 12 being at 9:00 AM
* Basketball Camp for ages 13 and up being at 1:00 PM
WHY: Brian Taylor, a 1969 Perth Amboy High School graduate, fortifies his commitment to serve Perth Amboy's youth by hosting a basketball camp with a mission to help students get into college and excel. Mayor Helmin J. Caba honored Brian Taylor with an official court name dedication of Washington Park Basketball Courts and key to the city in June 2021.
Brian led the 1968 Perth Amboy High School basketball team to a state championship by scoring 84 points and later played basketball for both Princeton University, the American Basketball Association, and the National Basketball Association. Brian Taylor brings over 40 years of high-level thought, leadership, and execution as an Ivy League graduate and former professional basketball star.
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