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NJDOT Safe Route to School Grant for the Rose M. Lopez Dual Language Elementary School Project

Perth Amboy, New Jersey (June 3, 2022) – The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) announced earlier this week the largest award amount of $19.6 million under the 2022 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.  The City of Perth Amboy is one of the 31 grants awarded in the amount of $650K towards the proposed project “Rose M. Lopez Elementary School Pedestrian Improvements” to install high-visibility, textured crosswalks along with pedestrian crossing signals and warning signs at the following intersections:

  • New Brunswick Avenue and Ogden Place
  • New Brunswick Avenue and Amboy Avenue
  • New Brunswick Avenue and Augustine Place
  • New Brunswick Avenue and Washington Street

The proposed installation will slow down traffic and ensure students have enough time to cross the street. The improvements to New Brunswick Avenue will benefit all residents who use the main road to travel throughout the City and encourage residents to consider walking or taking a bike to their destinations.

“Rose M. Lopez Elementary is surrounded by these streets, making it an essential part of a student’s commute,” stated Mayor Helmin J. Caba. “This funding will make the necessary improvements and installations to lead children to safe crossing locations.”

841 students attend Rose M. Lopez reside within a 2-mile radius of the school, and approximately 230 of them live within ½ mile from the school. Thousands of commuters travel to and from the City of the Perth Amboy.

  • 86% of city residents drive to work
  • 76% drive alone, 11% carpool
  • 6% take Public transportation
  • 5% walk
  • 0.2% ride a bike


 “On behalf of Perth Amboy Public Schools, we would like to express our gratitude for the continued partnership with the City of Perth Amboy and Mayor Caba,” stated Dr. David A. Roman, Superintendent of Schools. “Student safety is our greatest priority, and this grant will provide Rose M. Lopez Elementary School students safe passage to and from school.”

The SRTS is a federally-funded program to increase pedestrian safety among motorists and schoolchildren. SRTS Program was designed to improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution near schools. The NJDOT administers the program in partnership with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), and the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO).

For NJDOT’s full press release details, go to
