To increase access to the Internet and the library's digital resources, the Perth Amboy Free Public Library is pleased to offer HotSpot lending program. HotSpots provide Internet access to smartphones, tablets, and other wireless enabled devices through the T-Mobile cellular network. Service is dependent on the availability of the T-Mobile network where the HotSpot is being used. Up to 10 devices can connect to the HotSpot at one time.
A Hotspot may be checked out by any Perth Amboy resident, 18 years or older, with a valid Perth Amboy Free Public Library card in good standing. To be in good standing you must have no lost items on your card and fines must be below $5.00
Loan Period and Holds
HotSpot kits can be borrowed for up to seven (7) days with one renewal if no one has the item on hold. HotSpots can be placed on hold at the library, by phone or online. Once a HotSpot becomes available, it must be picked up within seven (7) days of notification of availability or the item will go to the next customer in the queue.
- No more than one mobile HotSpot per household
- Mobile HotSpots must be returned in person to the Circulation Desk. HotSpots should never be placed in Library book drop - they could be damaged and you will be responsible for replacement costs.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly late in returning electronic devices.
- Overdue Mobile HotSpots will be deactivated.
Fines & Liability
- The overdue fine is $1 per day. Hotspots not returned after 30 days will be assumed-lost and charged the replacement cost of $90.
- 0Patrons are responsible for costs associated with loss or damage of Mobile HotSpot and/or cords, adapters, cases, etc.
Replacement Costs
- HotSpot Device $80
- Adapter $2.50
- USB Cable $2.5
Instructions for Use:
To scan for and connect to available Wi-Fi HotSpot network, follow these steps:
- Turn on the mobile HotSpot
- On your computer or other Wi-Fi enabled device, search for available Wi-Fi Networks and select the Network Name (SSID) for your Mobile HotSpot
- Enter the network password found on your Mobile HotSpot
NOTE: It may take up to a minute to establish a connection.