The Perth Amboy Free Public Library provides limited Genealogy services to our patrons both locally and throughout the world. For more information on our Genealogy services, please contact the Library. We love visitors from afar, but we advise who are looking to stop by for genealogy or local history service call the library beforehand.
The library maintains a vast collection of in house materials for genealogical purposes including but not limited to: City Directories, Deeds, Suits and Wills,City Files 1854-1879, Photographs, High School Year Books, Microfilm collection of the Perth Amboy Evening News and Star Ledger.
Individuals seeking to obtain information can do so online via our ask a librarian service, on the phone or in person. Patrons looking for obituaries can request so through our obituary request
Below are additional resources to assist individuals in their research,

| is the #1 online source for family history information, including the web's largest collection of historical records. This resource has approximately 4,000 databases including key collections such as U.S. Federal Census images and indexes from 1790 to 1930, and the Map Center containing more than 1,000 historical maps.
(In Library Use Only)

Access World News: Research Collection is a way to find information on topics related to business, current issues and events, government, politics, sports and more. A variety of news media is available, including newspapers, videos and web-only content featuring the Press of Atlantic City, The Record, Star-Ledger and USA Today. NEW Video - How to Search Access World News:

America's Obituaries & Death Notices Find facts about an individual's hobbies, education, military service and more. The largest and most comprehensive collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices.

Chronicling America
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.

ProQuest Digital Microfilm Digital version of the microfilm of the Home News Tribune

ProQuest Northeast News Stream search current news content from the Northeastern United States, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s. It features top newspapers, wires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites in full-text format.

Star-Ledger (5/10/89-Current):
Find information on state issues and events, business, education, government and more.