Investing in preserving the culture and identity of the Downtown Business District
The Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) began with the passage of the “Maintenance of Viable Neighborhoods Act” in 1975. This legislation established a program of grants to encourage and promote the social and economic strengthening and development of neighborhoods. It was envisioned that this would be achieved through the cooperative, concentrated efforts of residents, local lending institutions, businesses, municipal governments and the State of New Jersey. The Neighborhood Preservation Program takes a comprehensive approach to neighborhood development, which afford municipalities flexible and creative options. This comprehensive cooperative approach promotes a unified effort that has proven to be a successful strategy.
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ neighborhood-based programs are designed to acknowledge the crucial role neighborhoods play as the center of community for New Jersey’s citizens, and the opportunity they offer to serve as a springboard to build a stronger, more equitable New Jersey.
To further achieve that goal, Governor Phil Murphy and Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver recently dedicated $2.5 million of funding to restore the Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) to strengthen the economic vigor of New Jersey’s threatened but viable neighborhoods and to encourage private investment in some of the state’s hard-pressed communities. This new investment was done in coordination with the funding of Main Street New Jersey communities as well.
Activities to be assisted under this act may include but shall not be limited to:
Revitalize neighborhoods through local planning and community participation.
Build local capacity to administer program
To serve as a catalyst for economic development in business districts that are deemed “threatened but still viable.”
To serve as a platform for the coordination of efforts by the State, municipalities, residents, businesses and other stakeholders to help declining neighborhoods become thriving neighborhoods.
Over the past several years, the City of Perth Amboy has been aggressively planning for the future of its Downtown District, building on other community and economic development plans, including the Perth Amboy Bay City Transit District Strategy, the Creative Placemaking Plan, and the Gateway Neighborhood Collaborative Revitalization Plan. This plan will further delineate Perth Amboy’s goal to invest in preserving the culture and identity of the Downtown District including the following:
Proposed activities
District boundary map & description
Demographic trends & market data
Planning process description & results
Goals & Objectives
For more information,
click here for the Perth Amboy's NPP 2019-2024
To learn more about the State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA)'s NPP, click here